Love Is in the Air: 5 Not-So-Traditional Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
Lamar DuffyShare
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and love is in the air. Have you thought about how you’re going to show your sweetheart some love?
Even if you’re not romantically attached, the great thing about a day dedicated to love is that you can show love to anyone who means a lot to you. It might be a special friend, a cherished family member or someone you deeply care for. And, let’s be honest. We can never have too much love in our lives.
Wondering how to show some love this Valentine’s Day? Surprise your loved one. Think about doing something different this year. Check out our best non-traditional Valentine’s Day gift ideas to find something just right for your special someone.
Candy and Flowers
For some, nothing says, “I love you,” like candy and flowers. Yes, this is the traditional Valentine’s Day expression of love and for some, the gift they love most. But how do you choose what to send? Today, a quick Google search will give you so many options from local florists to those who can deliver almost anywhere.
Even if traditional is how you plan to go, why not put a fresh spin on the traditional? Consider a unique bouquet of some kind. Some of the more popular choices include cookie bouquets or fruit and chocolate bouquets. Your sweetheart will be thrilled with a special treat.
Thoughtful Gifts
When candy and flowers aren’t quite right, consider sending your Valentine a thoughtful gift. Think about things that might make their lives a little easier or just make them feel special. These kinds of gifts can blend the practical with the fanciful.
Maybe your loved one enjoys lovely bath products. Consider a gift of hand-crafted soaps or some spa essentials. Check your local vendor markets or spas for products that will impress.
Your loved one might need some extra help with mealtimes. A stylish, sophisticated ClassyPal clothing protector might be just the gift to make mealtimes more enjoyable. And, might be just the thing for the next suggestion!
A Special Outing
Going out somewhere special might be more your Valentine’s desire. Maybe they have a special place they enjoy going to and would especially enjoy with you. Is there somewhere they’ve been unable to go?
Some ideas for a special day out might be:
- A day at the museum
- A day trip to the beach
- A meal with you at their favorite restaurant (remember that ClassyPal gift?)
- A concert or play or movie night
Sometimes, all a special loved one wants or needs is time with you. Maybe mobility or health preclude going out. Maybe they just want some time to have a cup of tea and a nice long chat. Whatever the reason, the gift of your time is the most precious gift you can give and says “I love you” like nothing else.
Give the Gift of Service
If you find yourself alone this Valentine’s Day, don’t despair. You can still share the love and feel receive love in return.
Consider sharing your love with others in a way that you find meaningful. You will surely receive love back in so many ways.
- Volunteer at your local shelter. Even our furry friends need some extra TLC now and then
- Volunteer at the local senior center. They may have activities scheduled that could use some extra hands
- Spend some time at a local nursing care facility. For some residents, days like Valentine’s Day can be quite lonely. Having someone to spend time with and maybe reminisce with can be a wonderful way to spend their day.
Whatever your plans this Valentine’s Day, all of us at ClassyPal wish you a happy and fun day with those you love.