Senior Discounts: Where and How to Find Them
Lamar DuffyShare
Everybody loves a discount, right? One of the perks of being a mature adult is the senior discounts you’re eligible for. They’re great for helping to stretch that budget just a bit further, too. But finding them isn’t always as easy as you might think. Senior means senior, doesn’t it? Well, not exactly.
While a senior is generally considered someone 65 or older, many businesses set that age somewhat lower. Some companies set their senior discounts to start at age 55! One thing to keep in mind, though, is that senior discounts are not a legal requirement. They’re a nice perk that your favorite retailers might offer, but they are certainly not mandatory. Something else to keep in mind, senior discounts don’t only apply to restaurant discounts. There’s a whole world of senior discounts out there just waiting for you to use them.
So how do you find these great discounts? Here are our best tips for finding those senior discount gems.
Lots of businesses have senior discounts, but it’s not something that you might immediately know. And, to be fair, it can be awkward for your check-out person or server to offer a senior discount if they don’t know your age. So, if you don’t mind sharing your age, ask if there is a senior discount. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Search Online
Many big retailers offer senior discounts. Some discounts are always available. Others are on specific days, so you have to do your homework. Think about all the large stores you frequent – grocery stores, department stores, hardware stores, and restaurants. Check out their websites to see what they offer for discounts. Some may have discount or rewards programs.
Check out your Local Businesses
Senior discounts aren’t just for the big retailers. Every community has its unique local businesses. Think about the places you frequent most - restaurants, coffee shops, car repair places, or even the local hardware store. Ask about senior discounts they may offer.
Consider Joining a Rewards Program
Some businesses offer rewards programs. Many are free. If your retailer doesn’t offer a senior discount, their rewards program might provide you with similar savings. Before you opt for a rewards program, be sure to read the fine print. Be wary of those that require a fee or getting a credit card. Read the program description before you sign up.
Join a Club or Senior Group
Another way to access senior discounts is through a senior-focused membership organization. Probably the one you’re most familiar with is AARP. Another popular group American Seniors Association. These groups can coordinate discounts with business and pass that on to members. You can find deals on insurance, travel, healthcare services, and much more. Every organization is different, so be sure to explore the benefits of each one so that you choose the best fit for your needs.
Look for the Hidden Gems
When you think of senior discounts, the prominent places are grocery stores, department stores, and restaurants, but many other places offer this privilege.
- Drug stores – many drug store chains offer discounts for their senior customers
- Travel – airlines, cruise lines, even some rental car companies offer senior discounts
- Hotels – many major hotel chains offer discounts to seniors
- Entertainment – did you know that many movie theaters offer senior discounts? Many museums, theaters, gold courses, amusement parks, and even national parks offer discounts to senior visitors.
- Repair shops – your mechanic or auto part store may offer senior discounts
- Hair and nail salons
- Home Services such as housecleaning, pest control services, etc.
- Online Stores - check out websites with a senior customer base such as Classy Pal. They offer a wide selection of products that are perfect for senior citizens
This list could go on and on, but you get the idea. Senior discounts can be found almost anywhere. If you’re not sure, it is always ok to ask. You might be surprised just how often the answer is yes!